What an awesome fishing Canaveral week we’ve had. Finally a true break in the weather looks like good things to come. Calm winds are on the way finally. Here’s a breakdown of what’s been going on.
-Bait. It’s been fairly steady catching bunker. You gotta look but it’s around and you’ll want to grab some. But do not leave home without the frozen sardines or minnows.
-Reef fishing. It’s been hot. Joe whacked a 54LB king this week. Good job Joey! Take those bunkers and go to 8A or Pelican and slow troll them. Kings are firing and there’s a mix of other random species around to bend the rods including cobia.
-The Deep. Grouper and AJs are there! 27 grounds are. great place to start. Bunker work but definitely bring some large baits like croakers and pins. Tyler had a crushing day limiting on grouper.
-MAUI. Was a fantabulous week for them. Go to 250 and troll. historically they last a week so lets see how long this lasts. Awesome Fishing Canaveral
-Sharking. Capt Zach has been very good lately with great luck on goliaths and sharks. Good luck.
If you need some fresh bait please check out Fish and Dive