Not a bad week, it was actually a good Canaveral week. We only took Christmas day off. Other than that we all grinded. I would have to say it was an odd week in the ocean and the forecasts were all over the place. But what else is new. Showing up to a “supposed” 5 knots and its 15 makes for an interesting talk at the dock. Many trips were canceled and several decided to try the beach / Shark trips. A few days the ocean was shut down, but completely opposite the following day. The water went from crystal clean to muddy, warm to ice cold overnight. Thank god we found the clean water down south and the kings fired. Made some fun fishing for the non picky fisherman. was a good Canaveral week.
The grouper only fisherman had a struggle because only the red snapper ate. We couldn’t get the AJs going great every day but managed a day of it. The currents were pushing 4 knots and made bottom fishing nearly impossible. Good news is the beach really turned on and the big red drum started to appear making some fun times. Sharks chewed as well.
This week looks like it’s gonna be beautiful weather so let’s see what happens. The random sail fish and blackfins are usually around as is the cobia. Have a great week and good luck out there.
Check out some other local fishing reports covering the beaches to the rivers to the gulf stream here at SPACEFISH