Happy Labor Day to everybody. Hope y’all got a day off to enjoy a nice day out on the water. Unfortunately, we had to cancel our trip once again due to offshore weather being bad. Go figure the slow season comes. Weekends are always booked and the weather always comes in on weekends. we did quite a few shark fishing trips this week and all were very successful with an abundance of variety type of sharks black nose Black tip, sharpies, small hammer heads. The mullet Ron is in full swing right now. So the sharks are actively feeding making the near short bite very productive. Fishing down towards the pier in about 35 foot of water has been doing just fine. Keeping the kids happy. Offshore fishing is also in full swing. The local reefs is the father. She needs to go mahi and kingfish. Plenty of those fish out there. They are eating mullet near shore as well as bunker that have also been schooling up everywhere.