The Captains all did a wonderful job making everyone happy once again. Sailfish, Kingfish and plenty of sharks to tug on.
The weather was perfect. We had glass calm conditions pretty much everyday and that just makes it so much more fun. Not only for the customers but it lets the ocean clean up nicely and turns the fish on. We are also coming off the full moon and that’s even better.
Bait was still a hit or miss but for the most part worked out perfectly. Running to the reef or pelican is all we did. I will say that the reef was better this week. Capt Ricky had a few sails there as well. Capt Joe had no problems limiting out on kings daily.
No secret spots or special tactics. Just get LIVE bait and send them out on a wire rig.
No reports of any mahi being caught to make it worthwhile to troll up and down wasting gas all day. But please try and let me know. lol
Plenty of action on the reefs to have an awesome day. Bottom fishing opens up this week so have fun and be careful. I think it’s gonna be like red snapper day! The weather looks good on opening day for the first time in many years. Stay Safe out there and God Bless.