Everything is Biting – Aug 14, 2o23

Everything is Biting – Aug 14, 2o23

Tuna, sailfish, kings, mahi, crevales, sharks and not including the bottom species. Yes it was that good this week. No wind, no bad storms and a clean ocean.  Bait was pretty good every day. Not gonna say it was 1 throw and done but bunker were around. Now is...
Awesome Week – Aug 7, 2023

Awesome Week – Aug 7, 2023

Awesome week. First off, the weather was perfect every day. Calm winds and a flat ocean. With those conditions the water cleans up dramatically. Everything is just perfect. Even currents were light.  Bait was fairly easy this week to get. Bunker was in the bight...
The Week Started out Amazing – Jul 3, 2023

The Week Started out Amazing – Jul 3, 2023

The week started out amazing. We had flat calm conditions, storms at a minimum and hungry fish. Now, that was the start but not the end. The annual thermocline is here and it’s shutting the fish down. Lets hope this coming week is better! The...
GroundHog Week Fishing

GroundHog Week Fishing

A repeat of an amazing week of fishing topped off with beautiful lake Atlantic fishing weather. Just like Groundhog Week Fishing. All species are active and chewing. Bait balls of bunker every day. and mullett running the beach as well. stop reading and go fish! Yes...
Another Amazing Week!

Another Amazing Week!

Another Amazing week here at Fired Up Fishing Charters. Amazing weather and beautiful ocean conditions. This is normally a report written for June conditions but now finally enjoying here in August. I swear this year has been trying to say the least. From 25 knot...