I wanted to take a moment and share our red snapper day. This year was easy, I always say I got lucky. We hit a few spots and had our limit quickly. I had the honor of taking my family and friends out on the Under Fire. My NAVY themed boat. My son Cash and soon to be Wife, Jennifer had a blast. We read the spacefish report and Capt Chris said to get live bait in the bight. lol So we did. Tim Wades net came through as always and 1 and done throw by capt Billy Bright. We actually picked our studs off the reef! NO JOKE. We never left 75 feet and never saw another boat all day except a few passing us at full speed headed to the deep. (never pass fish to find fish). This was an amazing day with great people. Thank you and love you.
This is why I started this 20 years ago. Fired Up means the world to me and the joy it brings families out on the water.
Have fun and Stay Safe. Capt Chris-