What a week. 

This is the first week since October that we were almost able to complete the entire week offshore. The fishing was literally good one day then bad the next. EVERY day. We feel the full moon had something to do with it. 

GET BAIT. Bunkers have been around and one day is easy, next is difficult, but try to throw that net and make it work. Some days it seems to be the make and break. They have been scattered all over from the port to around the tip to Patrick AFB.

Pelican has been a little slow towards the end of the week. then it turned into the ocho Alpha. The water was much cleaner and the fish followed that. There was a clean line just outside it and held some fish. 

we also had some scattered sails and mahi. Please don’t go mahi trolling at the reef…….

Minnows worked as well but once the live bait shows up you may as well throw the minnows as chum. Itll turn them off quickly.

For all you Mahi lovers….. Go king fishing. At least you will catch something. lol 

They just aren’t here yet. The reef is holding more mahi inside of the stream. If you’re fortunate to have a go fast boat, then go to the other side or at least much farther out and use the radar to find them birds. Last week the tuna and mahi did very well. but it got slow over the weekend. slower anyway. 

Have an awesome week. Looks like the weather is shaping up nicely again starting mid tuesday. 

Good luck and stay safe.